Showing posts with label Log Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Log Management. Show all posts

Monday, May 28, 2012

How to send Logs from Network Device > Syslog-ng > Logstash > Graylog2

Network Device > Syslog-ng > Logstash > Graylog2

Step 1

Cisco Device configuration for enabling Logging to a syslog server:
Global configuration:
(config)#logging trap debugging
logging origin-id hostname
logging facility syslog
logging host {ip_address_of_syslog_server} transport udp port {1000}      #####custom port for UDP
logging host {ip_address_of_syslog_server} transport tcp port {1540}      #####custom port for TCP
logging on

Juniper Device configuration for enabling Logging to a syslog server:
From Home screen Configuration>Report Settings>Syslog:

Step 2

Syslog Server configuration:

Install syslog-ng on the linux
#apt-get install syslog-ng

Step 3

Configure the syslog-ng.conf file for collecting and creating log files
# locate syslog-ng.conf
#nano  /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf                 #######Default file location

Syslog-ng configuration File:
Paste the below contents in syslog-ng.conf:
###### Source Network definition ################
source s_network_udp {
  udp(ip( port(1000));
source s_network_tcp {
  tcp(ip( port(1000) max-connections(5000));
########## Destination file Definition #########
########## Create the path if not already there /var/log/HOSTS/ #########
destination d_clients { file("/var/log/HOSTS/$HOST"); };
######### Collecting logs from devices and writing to files ##########
##### Source:s_network_udp and destination:d_clients defined in earlier steps
log { source(s_network_udp); destination(d_clients); };
Save the syslog-ng.conf and restart the service.
# service syslog-ng start | Restart
Above step will create log entry files for all the devices sending syslog messages on port 1000 to the directory /var/log/HOSTS/

Making directory:
# mkdir /var/log/HOSTS/
# chmod XXX /var/log/HOSTS/

Verify it with command:
# ls -ll /var/log/HOSTS
eg:- /var/log/HOSTS/x.x.x.x.log

Step 4

Download latest Logstash file logstash-x.x.x-monolithic.jar from the site

Step 5

Create a new configuration file  "mylogstash.conf". The configuration file name could be anything eg:-sharmith.conf :)

Logstash configuration:
Logstash configuration file Name: mylogstash.conf
# vi mylogstash.conf
input {
file {
 type => "Network"
 path => [ "/var/log/HOSTS/**/*" ]
######## For reflecting the real Hostnames in Graylog2 interface ##########
filter {
  grok { match => [ "@source_path", "/var/log/HOSTS/%{HOSTNAME:host}" ] }
  mutate { replace => [ "@source_host", "%{host}" ] }
output {
  stdout {

 elasticsearch {
      embedded => true
  gelf {
    chunksize => 1420
#    facility => "logstash-gelf"              #########Default Setting ##########
    facility => "%{@type}"
    host => ""
#    level => "INFO"                             #########Default Setting ##########
    level => "%{level}"                        
    port => 12201
    sender => "%{@source_host}"

Step 6

Save the configuration and execute
# java -jar logstash-1.1.0-monolithic.jar agent -f mylogstash.conf -- web --backend elasticsearch:///?local&

To check the status of logstash service and start it automatically if it is not running.

1)      Create a Directory called "cron" in the folder /opt/logstash
               #mkdir cron

2)      Create a script file named "" inside directory "/opt/logstash/cron"
#### Paste the below portion to the file. Save it and exit. ##########
cd /opt/logstash
echo "Checking Logstash service"

while true
    sleep 5  # check the process every 5 seconds
echo "Sleep timer passed"
    if [ `pgrep -c -f logstash-1.1.1-monolithic.jar` = 0 ]
echo "pgrep command executed"
        echo "problem!"
        sendmail < /opt/logstash/email_text.txt
         java -jar logstash-1.1.1-monolithic.jar agent -f mylogstash.conf -- web --backend elasticsearch:///?local&
        echo "Mail sent to administrator"
        echo "After Break"
         echo "Logstash working"

3)      check the script by running it manually
In the paths directory mention the location of the commands by using the "locate" command.
eg:- locate echo
                 locate sendmail
                 locate logstash-1.1.1-monolithic.jar
                locate killall
4)      Issue the command on the command prompt before creating the file. This will show the status output.
# pgrep -c -f logstash-1.1.1-monolithic.jar

5)      Make the script run in the background automatically with the help of cron process.

#crontab -e

#### Paste the below portion to the file. Save it and exit. ##########
30 8 * * *       /opt/logstash/cron/

***I have mentioned those “echo” commands for verifying the working of the shell script. Upon your requirement “echo” commands could be edited or removed.

Logstash Tips:

Step 7

Graylog2 Server, Graylog2 Web Interface, Mongo DB and Elastic search configuration.
Refer the Step by Step Guide mentioned in the below links. 
Graylog2 on Fedora

#nano /opt/graylog2-web-interface/config/mongoid.yml
Make sure that there is no space before the "production:" Space will lead to errors.

Creating Virtual Host in Apache 2

Paste the below lines in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf at the bottom of the file.

   LoadModule passenger_module /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/passenger-3.$
   PassengerRoot /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/passenger-3.0.12
   PassengerRuby /usr/local/bin/ruby

Create a file called graylog2 in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ folder

Add the below lines as per your custom port in /etc/apache2/ports.conf file:
NameVirtualHost *:8080          ######## Custom Port for Graylog2 #######
Listen 8080
Restart Apache2 service
# service apache2 restart | start

For verifying whether the logs are coming to your server, run the below command: tcpdump package required.
 Troubleshooting  & fine tuning tips:
#tcpdump dst port {graylog2_Listen_port}
#tcpdump dst port 514

To make Graylog2 listen to custom port:
Required if you are running multiple services on the same server.

First verify the port status.
# ps aux | grep {port}
If there are no services running on the specific port, configure the port in /etc/graylog2.conf file as given below:
# On which port (UDP) should we listen for Syslog messages? (Standard: 514)
syslog_listen_port =xxx
#syslog_listen_port = 5400         ###########example configuration
syslog_protocol = udp

Restart Graylog2 Service
# service graylog2-server restart | start | stop

Any queries or difficulties in configuring this please feel free to send a note to Enjoy :)

I got an error message while trying to restart Graylog2 server after a system reboot. It gave me the error message "FATAL: org.graylog2.Main - Could not start syslog server core thread. Do you have permissions to listen on port 514?"
I checked whether any other ports are listening to that port or not but found none and tried changing the port to another but with no luck.

Fixed the issue by killing the java process.
#ps aux | grep java
It listed a Java process as given below
root      1469  1.0  1.9 1049788 62860 ?       Sl   10:10   0:19 /usr/bin/java -jar /opt/graylog2-server/graylog2-server.jar

Issued the command "kill 1469" to terminate the process and started the graylog2-server process and it worked fine.

Graylog2 Email notification Configuration:
To get email notification for Alarms and Subscriptions you need to enable email notification in Graylog2.
Main configuration files:

Step 1)

Editing to be done in the files according to your SMTP server and domain name:
#nano /opt/graylog2-web-interface/config/general.yml
######## Contents of the file ######################
  external_hostname: "" # Used for example to generate permalinks. Don't add 'http://' or trailing slashes.
  date_format: "%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M:%S" # (strftime syntax)
  allow_deleting: false # Allowing deleting of messages negatively impacts performance
  allow_version_check: true # Enables manual (/versioncheck/index) and automatic (every 30min from overview page) version checking against via HTTP.
  # custom_cookie_name: graylog2_staging1 # Set an own cookie name - Useful for multiple deployments on same host like,$

# Settings for stream subscription emails.
  subject: "[graylog2] Subscription"

# Settings for stream alarm emails.
  subject: "[graylog2] Stream alarm!"

  enabled: false
  ssl: false
  api_key: 123

#nano /opt/graylog2-web-interface/config/email.yml
################Copy from here and paste it in the file ############
  via: smtp # via: sendmail
  host: 10.x.x.x
  enable_starttls_auto: true
  port: 25
####### If you don’t want authentication comment out the next three lines ######
#  auth: plain # plain, login, cram_md5 - Comment out or remove to use no auth
#  user: somebody
#  password: yourpass
  domain: # the HELO domain provided by the client to the server

Step 2)

Create a script file for executing Stream Alarm check and Stream Subscription check.
###### Copy the file and paste it into the file #############
cd /opt/graylog2-web-interface/
rake RAILS_ENV=production streamalarms:send


### Path of the rake command could be found by issuing the command
#locate rake | more
#nano run_rake_tasks_
###### Copy the file and paste it into the file #############
cd /opt/graylog2-web-interface/
rake RAILS_ENV=production subscriptions:send

Step 3)

Create a cron file for executing your scripts based on your requirement.
I am pasting the configuration for executing the scripts every one minute.
#crontab –e
######## Copy and paste the below items to the cron file bottom##########

* * * * *       /opt/graylog2-web-interface/cron/
* * * * *       /opt/graylog2-web-interface/cron/
Verify whether the below given screenshot is displayed in the Home screen right corner showing the services as running.

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